7 Effective Practices of Integrating PURLs in Direct Mail

Email marketing is one of the highly effective marketing strategies utilized in the real estate industry. But how effective are the messages you’re sending? 

If your direct mail campaign has been suffering, it’s time to evaluate each factor and see what can be improved. In some cases, adding Personalized Uniform Resource Locators (PURLs) can be a game changer. These simple codes serve as an effective way to monitor responses. They are also a quick and intelligent way to build more personalized connections and engage better with your prospects.

What is a PURL?

A Personalized Uniform Resource Locator (PURL) refers to the unique web address created for a targeted specific marketing campaign.

Similar to offer codes, PURLs are an excellent way to track responses by specific names on the lists who receive the email. These PURLs help marketers to know where leads and orders are coming from. They can also calculate ROI on each campaign more effectively.

Benefits of Using PURLs in Direct Email

Here are some benefits of adding PURLs in an email:

  • PURLs help you know when the email content drives traffic to the website.
  • PURLs work better than a generic web address since they include the recipient’s name.
  • PURLs are used by most marketers to monitor response rate.

All in all, PURLS help to gather insights on respondent behaviors and interests, which are valuable when it comes to making marketing strategies more effective.

What To Do to Improve Your PURL Direct Mail Strategy

Make Sure to Check Your Data

Keep in mind that your data is a crucial factor in making a successful mailing campaign. Before you send your email, ensure that all data and information are correct. Check your list of contacts for duplicates or any other outdated records. Go through the links included in the email to make sure they redirect to the correct page.

Focus on your Goal

Make your goal specific, and base your PURL on that goal. Whether you’re looking to drive traffic or make a sale, make sure your message is designed primarily for that goal. An eye-catching image, intriguing copy, and effective landing page will make all the difference.

Make the PURL Compelling

Do you know what makes people take action for any offer? It’s the call-to-action (CTA). And yes, your CTA matters! If you want to convert leads, this is what needs to stand out from the rest. Offer something of value without overwhelming the customers with promotions to move them slowly towards a purchase.

Customize Your Offers

When you drive a prospective customer to your site with the help of a PURL, segmentation is much easier. Make sure to compile and segment the demographic, buying behavior, and other data to bring value to your marketing strategy. Personalize your offers to your potential customers. They will be well-targeted and increase your chances of closing a sale.

Track, Learn and Adjust

With the help of PURLs, you can track when customers visit your website. You will also know what pages are being opened and which ones have a high bounce rate. You can track which are the pages that get the most clicks and how much time has been spent on a particular page. With all the data like that, you, as a marketer, can learn and understand what your customers want and which are not. You can then make adjustments to your email design, copy, and call-to-action.

Set Up Follow Up or Trigger Responses 

Make sure to enhance your engagement with the people on your list by sending them a follow-up email. You can do this by thanking them, making another offer, a follow-up email containing a download link to a gift, and giving them other opportunities to communicate through other channels. This will keep your audience engaged with your brand.

Keep Testing

The use of PURLs in direct mail is not a one-time effort—it should be tested and monitored. It may not deliver an outstanding ROI immediately, but that shouldn’t be surprising. It may take some time to hit the right balance. Use A/B split tests for your copy and emails. When results show that something is better than the other, make sure to adjust your marketing efforts accordingly.


Real estate investors should learn the various effective marketing strategies to acquire clients and close sales. Integrating PURLs in your direct mail can be helpful, but make sure you’ll make it compelling. It’s cost-effective, easy to do, and able to produce amazing results.

At Supercharged Offers, we can absolutely help you! Call our full-service marketing firm to help you grow and get more deals in the first 30-90 days using an auto-pilot without increasing your marketing budget.

Original post here: 7 Effective Practices of Integrating PURLs in Direct Mail
7 Effective Practices of Integrating PURLs in Direct Mail posted first on https://superchargedoffers.com/


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